
World of Warcraft Reputation Guide for Ogrila

World of Warcraft Reputation Guide for Ogrila

1 ^+ [9 \) ]7 I2 s4 `# o: H9 L) A$ ]% u0 b# F. l/ t
Ogri'la is located on the western edge of the Blades Edge Mountains between Forge Camp Terror and Forge Camp Wrath. You can only access Ogri'la by flying mount or flight form. The easiest way to wow gold reach Ogri'la is by flying dead west of Sylvanaar.
! B4 X6 t  t) ~+ n2 f8 y
& o  k* x- _+ }; OGeneral Information1 d2 q3 r  E- i
+ T6 p. H- {; Q# V4 c9 }0 r
Ogri'la is a village of ogres who have overcome their brutish nature and broken away from the domination of the Gronn lords. They are in constant battle with the Dragons of the Black Dragonflight, the Burning Legion, and the Gronn lords that still hold control over many of the ogre communites of Blades Edge Mountains.
& s; ]# j" v5 ~5 O
0 @# }" p( ~( h9 C% b; J
/ P2 D! O% E. g3 S2 ]1 W; p8 N( P* wAccording to lore, the ogres' proximity to Apexis formations is what have enabled them to attain a higher level of cheap wow gold civilization than other ogres. The Ogri'la ogres are aided by the Sha'tari skyguard and players that have defeated the Sons of Gruul.- y, K- T* p% U' a
) o9 c" C* F' t) A$ o) E' i0 |
Apexis shards and crystals are the currency of Ogri'la. After attaining enough reputation with Ogri'la to purchase rewards, you will need to use Apexis Shards and Apexis crystals to buy them. Apexis shards come as rewards for the daily repeatable quests that are available to you in Ogri'la. They can also be looted from nearby beasts and from Apexis formations." t8 R* A+ ~8 ~3 p% t) _

6 G  G1 `+ U# J4 ]7 gMany of the Rare and Epic quality items sold on the reputation vendor also you to have some of the much less common Apexis Crystals. Apexis crystals can only be looked from the summoned dragons and demons in the zone. These are elite boss mobs that mimic many classic raid bosses on a smaller scale. It requires 35 Apexis Shards to summon these bosses and a balanced party of five players is needed to defeat them. Each party member will be able to loot one Apexis Crystal.
5 R6 |+ r( u5 c6 U8 d
6 n8 i6 |# j5 V+ |* l; V4 ]Flasks and More....5 o  H1 w* _& O8 B0 q
2 e' c( r# [4 ]* g4 d  I) \
Apexis shards also serve as currency for acquiring special flasks, found from different dispensers across the map. These flasks can only be only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair, and will save you hundreds of gold when raiding that instance. Once every two hours, a group of Sha'tari Skyguard will launch an attack against Bash'ir Landing to the north east. They fly out from the Skyguard Base.
2 q5 P5 j" I+ V+ f8 R, {3 M
) j+ X" ~2 s& K7 B. F, p, TThree waves of enemies will spawn and attack the Skyguard NPC's, each wave stronger then the previous. It is your job to ensure that the Skyguard NPC's survive for as long as possible. If all of the Skyguard NPC's are killed the event ends. At the end of each wave a boss has to be defeated. Once he is defeated a vendor will appear to sell special items. Three different vendors are available, but only one will spawn for each wave defeated.' @2 a# z* \6 E/ E' K
% B9 f( P3 V# a: A8 M
The first sells special flasks that cannot be attained at any other time. The second vendor to spawn will sell rare gems. The third vendor to spawn will sell rare meta gems. You must use Apexis buy wow gold Shards as currency for these vendors. The waves and subsequent bosses that spawn during this event get increasingly difficult. In order to complete the event, a well organized raid of at least 25 people is needed.( j# S0 d. k8 e: u
2 T, f" p( P! k" n) u
Gaining Ogrila Reputation
; E0 c) l$ I  U/ a7 r! v
( d. K' ^' G. V8 w: hThe quest line for gaining reputation with Ogri'la begins in Lower City and leads to an ogre named Mog'dorg the Wizened in Blades Edge Mountains. He will give you three quests to destroy the three Sons of Gruul: “Grulloc Has Two Skulls”, “Maggoc's Treasure Chest”, and “Even Gronn Have Standards”.6 r' k9 l% @; A4 @4 `9 B
+ o0 i4 |! l  |
You will need a balanced five person group to complete these quests. After your group has completed these three tasks, return to Mog'dorg the Wizened and he will send you on two more five-man quests. After completing these you will attain Neutral standing with Ogri'la and will be able to acquire quests there.- @+ s# o. i. ^3 C+ u
- m) E& U' O1 V' ]
Do all available quests in Ogri'la and the Skyguard base, including five-mans. Doing so will open up daily repeatable quests, often known simply as “dailies”. At Neutral reputation you can open unlock three different daily quests. These quests give 500 reputation points each, as well as 15 apexis crystals. They are, “The Relic's Emanation”, “Wrangle Some Aether Rays!”, and “Bombing Run”.
( Z8 r4 l+ s* Z3 \+ W( J0 F9 r$ J$ b2 o. P( S
At honored reputation you will then unlock another daily: “Banish the Demons”. It is at this point that you will also be able to do the Shartuul event. While doing your daily quests you will encounter an item called a “Depleted Crystal Focus”. When this is combined with ten Apexis Shards it becomes a “Charged Crystal Focus”. While it looks like – and can serve as – a normal Health Stone, it is best saved for completing the Shartuul event where these will be required to enhance the demons under your control. As said in the tool tip of a “Charged Crystal Focus”, Kronk in Ogri'la can tell you all about the Shartuul event.% {1 o( @  {* H

, \+ `9 `- c$ x4 N5 U: Q9 \5 J8 QOgrila Reputation Rewards
; s! N7 O' s# Y& d5 p$ a' g3 s4 x! D, C6 r" G) G
/ F7 \1 }1 V6 L0 }  c" U* v6 p( Y Item! H6 w( P5 N" N' q3 E3 I
) \+ A1 z" q% L- C% t: Y Description
$ w3 q! K  n1 n' [3 a7 ?8 A% ], ^+ z 4 w8 E; m' l: l2 S
, C/ c  t/ w& {8 ?4 h" m Blue Ogre Brew- b1 P4 S* q* M/ h
3 Apexis Shards
3 `' n) _+ }6 T Mana potion, can only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair
/ Z$ C6 W% w7 T ) o. y! A; q1 w1 s$ q# z8 b
Red Ogre Bre0 V3 l4 O! l' J
2 Apexis Shards! |: b) V% h4 d: h5 y. Y6 ^5 ]( `' M
Health potion, can only be used in Blades Edge Mountains and Gruul's Lair
; j' \+ W% l4 @7 T) j8 ` 3 ?* s. @, ~7 y
+ r1 J( t* R$ A0 Q Apexis Cloak4 z' r0 l4 f( h7 _
1 Apexis Crystal and 50 Apexis Shards
6 h" ?6 J0 ^. y& p Rare quality cloak for healers
1 D4 K  q! }6 Z
' ~" i4 r8 c, o( j4 M  A, tCrystalforged Trinket
  F" }2 P7 A2 w; s( ^/ c 1 Apexis Crystal and 50 Apexis Shards
0 P- m" K9 D8 o5 e Rare quality trinket with +AP “use” and +7 Weapon Damage
; S& E) ^. x: {- ~$ }* }5 a  [ $ g( N3 J+ p( R5 d# s6 C5 ^
Ogri'la Aegis
$ Q. X% w, \; ^4 M7 Y* L! ]: e. q 1 Apexis Crystal and 50 Apexis Shards
/ {4 }" ?% y, x1 q; ^& w9 y: L Rare quality shield with two red sockets, devense and block value bonuses- d8 K" {. o5 B7 S" n
4 W$ j* E" c1 A" b1 J( A
Cerulean Crystal Rod. S- X; W1 n6 U! r' ]
1 Apexis Crystal and 50 Apexis Shards
9 U% F" a) i) O) P8 S Rare quality wand with Sta, Int, and damage/healing bonus6 f" J8 W" U& T  b7 I* d
7 g6 }5 C( w3 o. E2 P1 K! ?
Exalted! q3 U+ h$ m* c
Crystalline Crossbow
( ?; Z, N, w  C* }; h 4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards
; f% D3 Q2 P& ^. M1 N Epic quality crossbow with Agi, Sta, and hit rating
5 z# O% p4 Z% @. T# K: { 0 m# y! b$ j6 I* ]; M
Crystal Orb of Enlightenment
; o. k0 K1 h* L. _ 4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards
* m) w0 y- @# L Epic quality caster offhand
6 \. W) y. N" q/ V2 ^, c* i7 o
# {" l4 V: j; g+ l1 Q! v" F( j* fShard-bound Bracers# |# z  s% Q8 r; J8 z
4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards5 d7 F$ B; ]' N. ~; n
Epic quality leather bracers with a blue socket, Agi, Stam, and 42 AP4 j* t# O. g2 J; T  O% k. L+ Q

: B' ?* \' N$ k# v7 R0 HVortex Walking Boots
$ a; e5 V2 P4 u% }- D4 m) | 4 Apexis Crystals and 100 Apexis Shards
0 U$ v( F: }5 _8 e3 `/ Z" X Epic quality plate boots with Str, Sta, yellow and blue sockets, and crit rating.
' M$ D- n& K8 i+ z
1 S9 V  P1 s+ U, Y+ c0 d$ TOgri'la Tabard+ g' k; D6 R; h1 \" w7 A
10 Apexis Shards
6 g: c7 A7 U1 K  j5 s" l Purely decorative tabard



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  望着她那黑中带红,在桔黄的灯光下闪着传奇归来健康的光泽的脸,我心里不由地感到自惭。以前回家,乡里的老人总会半带开玩笑的说我,能轻松地在生活在城里,是多么幸福。想到有比自己生活得并不怎么样的熟人,偶尔还会沾沾自喜。然而,在她面前,所有的优越感都荡然无存。我也不敢跟她讨论,到底,什么是生活,什么是幸福。& L; f9 D, Y; l

# }2 n, M2 d' K  C  一次回老家探亲,偶遇多年未见的DNF儿时的伙伴。彼此都感到惊喜,于是便相约彻夜长谈。与朋友交谈中,我才知道,她经受过许多苦难,但是,我却未能从她那开朗的笑容中发现丝毫的痕迹。她早年丧母,全靠她帮助父亲把三个弟妹供上大学。后来嫁人了,又遭遇冒险岛家婆病重,病愈后却瘫痪了。她丈夫是个乡村小学教师,收入也不多,而她本人开始时只是一名代课的老师,工资就更低了。为了支撑这个家,她向村里人要了人家不愿耕种的田地,下课以后就去侍弄,自己吃不完的还可以拿到市场上去卖。晚上不但要备课,照顾家婆,还要安顿两个年幼的孩子。我还听说,虽然她总是那么忙,但是她从来没有因为家而拖累自己的传奇归来工作学习。在学校,她的教学水平不比那些从正规学校出来的老师差,她教的学生评比出来还是年年第一。有空的时候,她还会带着孩子去远足,去郊游。今年她还参加了民办教师转正考试,结果考了全县第一。+ t" K  n8 q. C+ d  p" u$ |; }

% A% V7 _1 o1 ^  我不敢对她说,有好些城里的朋友,她们生活得怎么安闲富足。她们谈论着自己的衣饰花了几百还是几千元,款式如何如何新潮,她们指点着谁家的车子不是高档车,她们谩骂着昨晚那顿饭餐根本不值几千元,她们还没有下班,便开始相约今晚在谁家打牌搓麻将……她们每天也不住地发着牢骚,她们常常觉得很累,孩子、丈夫仿佛还不了解她们。她们走在成吉思汗大街上流露的是冷漠苍白的眼神,华丽的外衣裹着一颗永无餍足的心。她们幸福吗?只有她们自己内心才知道,但我明白那一定不是我们向往的幸福。生活只是一杯白开水,然而她们却给自己的那一杯调了过多贪欲的色彩,她们肆意地挥霍她们过早地透支自己的那杯水。


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0 _, I" G$ B/ Q2 W+ ^- ^: [, u& t( S2 @/ {) \
0 g1 i2 T/ m/ u5 g. o- h, o. x

9 x' |! M2 Z  h1 T  T/ m' t2 v外科医生说:“《圣经》上说,夏娃是用亚当的肋骨造成的。那当然离不开外科手术, + v" r% d* ~5 I' Q5 q
& y" o3 L; q: d9 i
9 K+ R0 n! {7 a) [: b& t$ ]
5 r4 q9 U) ^: d
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+ X) v! ?0 }* n: w3 r

, `8 z  U' P1 F) z+ h) E工程师立即反驳说:“不过!世界是6天里从混乱中造成的,那是一项巨大的工程。在
  x( O* Y+ b4 G4 ^/ T  o' P- T( n& W, J" R/ D+ R: c0 L
7 m3 p* I$ n" \/ g
" T/ ~: n4 }0 ?2 x6 r  F
那以后,才谈得上亚当和夏娃。” - M3 q. w$ q+ {1 F/ i( a4 k# {' R

0 m% ]+ f1 V6 H* f/ L9 A: E$ q# {! }' X- a6 u% }3 |

. ]2 m0 W2 N% i* A  T1 |+ s! {4 g# h: U8 ^; f+ R/ W
+ N/ m0 v" D: ]- b* L% }
6 s1 n& p( J" t* q8 s

' O& l8 i, e. j: {0 @6 h# k  P政治家很有风度地说:“诸位,那么混乱又是谁造成的呢?”
9 o6 W8 d# x& P  j! P6 ?+ r. n: T  W! [. `2 _% m! Q
$ y9 {0 l8 y4 B  W
4 w# Y% O: P. S2 }. D. |, S
4 O* K8 P3 O+ S, G+ x; e
* [+ c% ?' W' d- I$ w

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, @0 n$ k! K! S7 C$ a3 e/ R1 f
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* g' C! m1 ^1 n+ \% o8 w. O! U) O  V& g0 r
__"带自己的妹妹出去玩。"一个男学生答道。 . d1 f6 T2 ^/ s$ `

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8 f! t/ y+ n$ I2 I' R6 G1 V8 |9 T, J! J: [$ f; _

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阿婆一向不大相信医生,从来不去看医生。可是有一次,她不得不去请医生替她诊治。事后医生对她说:“两星期后请你再来一次。”她依时到了,但拒绝付诊金,她说:“先生,奇怪了!!这次是你请我来的呀!” % P- a) h, S2 |+ p$ X

4 R& R9 l* _! V5 c4 Q
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- M0 q) M- U7 @; e4 z  i

; j" u+ O, g, Y. Y9 {6 H8 ?6 H% I3 M3 o! U  M9 |

8 ?' Y' n/ _0 g- n  j2 Q; l/ |, N/ T8 c! _
" x: [6 Z' e8 _9 N4 x

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9 P5 a$ O6 H! ^
0 H& E3 M# `% `) X; Y; [: ?- g) h9 ^  v

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1 B$ {4 \) F) x; ^4 i& |( x& |

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3 u6 ~: b- m  Q- p( S/ l! {# B- o4 v0 f0 M" Y" n: G5 `; n8 u
  x1 W1 f/ ?! R* m
: V% O* n! |: J7 y

/ _9 w. j; j! G1 n$ ~, d! v( e' F# y5 A/ G8 O
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